7 Best Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Books You Must Read

Here are the top blockchain, bitcoin and cryptocurrency books you cannot ignore.
Books Blockchain Cryptocurrency

Blockchain Cryptocurrency Books

In the age of the internet, sometimes people forget about books. Books are full of essential information, all delivered in an easy-to-digest experience.

Believe it or not, digital technology like blockchain and cryptocurrency even has books about it.

That’s right, there are books about the blockchain revolution – and good ones too. Of course, they’re still early on.

We live in an age where the blockchain is relatively unknown. However, the knowledge in these books is essential to know if you want to move forward in the space.

However, it’s essential to read a multitude of books on the subject.

Because people have so many interpretations of the possibilities of blockchain, multiple sources are essential.

Some of these books focus on the blockchain, others cryptocurrency, and even others on the potential use cases.

Cryptography is another big topic, all of which are pertinent to this tech innovation in many ways.

To find out insider news, before-the-public, I advise you to bookmark www.blockchainwhispers.com

In this post, we’re going to break down some of the best blockchain and cryptocurrency books in existence. The list will showcase a variety of topics, all of which you should know inside and out.

What makes the best Blockchain book?

Sure, some of the books will dabble in the same topics. However, it’s not only the information that’s important, it’s how that data is presented. Pay attention to these aspects when searching:

  • Does the book explain tough topics in a digestible way?
  • Is the author short and concise in their explanations?
  • How accurate is the data? What sources have you cited?
  • Is there a ton of in-depth research, or does it barely scratch the surface?
  • Does the book tackle multiple topics or just one big one?
  • What credibility is behind the author in question?

Consider all of these points in each book so you can make the best decision possible.

Which are the Best Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Books?

Best Blockchain Cryptocurrency Books

1. The Age of Cryptocurrency

Written by Michael J Casey and Paul Vigna, The Age of Cryptocurrency is excellent for newcomers in the blockchain space.

The authors have experience reporting in The Wall Street Journal, exploring the mainstream vision of Bitcoin.

Unlike most stories, this book examines all aspects of Bitcoin. Here, you’ll learn the history of Bitcoin, the current state of the digital asset, and the potential future of it.

Fortunately, this book is incredibly digestible. It’s worded in an easy to understand way with an extended look at blockchain. Use cases, disruption, and the technology behind cryptocurrencies are all discussed in-depth.

Whether you’re new or looking to brush up on your knowledge, The Age of Cryptocurrency is a fantastic book.

Topics are deeply researched, and sources are cited throughout. Plus, you have two long-time, reliable writers detailing the knowledge.

2. Mastering Bitcoin

Another Bitcoin-focused novel, Mastering Bitcoin is a programmers look at the blockchain technology.

Written by computer scientist and popular Bitcoin speaker, Andreas Antonopoulos, it’s genuinely a “mastery” look at the first digital asset.

While this book isn’t exactly for newcomers, the information is clearly laid out and efficiently processed.

Here, you will delve way into the robust technology under Bitcoin and why it works the way it does. Andreas detailed the different wallets, transaction types, and the use cases for both.

Plus, Mastering Bitcoin features multiple versions to keep up with the fast-changing times.

Anyone looking to code on the Bitcoin blockchain should look into this book. Also, it helps to know Python and C++ to understand Mastering Bitcoin fully. You don’t need in-depth knowledge, but a precise grip on the basics will help.

Mastering Bitcoin

3. The Business Blockchain

It isn’t widely known that blockchains can be private as well. Sure, big projects focus on global applications, but businesses can run their own, too.

Big-time businessmen and women will want to pick this one up. Written by William Mougayar, is a successful entrepreneur and longterm advocate of the blockchain.

In his book, you’ll learn how the blockchain will disrupt financial businesses and banks in general.

To find out insider news, before-the-public, I advise you to bookmark www.blockchainwhispers.com

Unlike some other books, The Business Blockchain is much more recent. The work was published in 2016, so it features detailed and current information.

Plus, it explores the difference between a private and public blockchain – a niche topic that not many authors detail!

This isn’t a book for beginners. Instead, those with a wealth of blockchain knowledge should pick this up. It’s not so much an explanation of the tech, instead a different way of looking at it.

4. Digital Gold

Digital Gold

Digital Gold was written by Nathaniel Popper, a prevalent Bitcoin writer for the New York Times. The idea was to explore and tell the stories of those behind Bitcoin technology.

This book details happenings such as the Mt. Gox ordeal and Xapo and Wences Casares. That, and it even explores Satoshi himself and the Winklevoss twins’ expansion into Bitcoin.

Digital Gold is incredibly engaging – written to hook you on the different stories of successful blockchain entrepreneurs.

It’s one of the only places to get a full history of Bitcoin as well. Some say Digital Gold is the best book on Bitcoin available right now.

5. Bitcoin: The Future of Money?

A bit like Digital Gold, Bitcoin: The Future of Money explores the mystery behind Satoshi Nakamoto. Here, author Dominic Frisby interviews prominent industry people and relays their information in style.

Told somewhat like a mystery novel, Frisby utilizes his investigative skills to engage the reader. He asks questions surrounding the potential of Bitcoin, its use cases, and if it’s worth investing in.

Funnily enough, the author even talks about his own experiences with Bitcoin. His words on the lack of government involvement and the awful aspects of blockchain are a must-read.

Somehow, Frisby weaves between the different parts of the blockchain industry while keeping the user wanting more.

6. Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies: A Comprehensive Introduction

Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Technologies

As the title states, this book focuses on introducing readers to the blockchain. Written by five experts on the subject, this book is genuinely detailed.

The five answer questions like the security of your Bitcoin or how truly anonymous it is. Is regulation even possible? Find out here.

This book does so by talking about the history of the first blockchain and tracing its path up to now.

Plus, it offers extra reading material and even courses for professors to teach. The five authors also have their own Coursera class that goes well with the book.


Sure, you can scour the different articles on the internet to learn about blockchain. Or, you can order comprehensive books you know you can trust.

This list offers some incredibly niche, specific books that are great for newcomers or budding experts.

The blockchain is a powerful technology. One might even say as powerful as the internet itself. However, that means there is a ton to learn about the subject.

These books provide the questions you don’t know to ask, and the answers to convince you of blockchain’s power. One could argue these are the best ones on the market as well.

Blockchain, Bitcoin, private and public use cases, and the history of it all. Reading through the listed titles will provide you with detailed information on these subjects.

Ensure you take the deep dive with these books before delving any further into blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

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Feature Image- Shutterstock.com
In-Post Image- Shutterstock.com, amazon.com, citizensoftheworld.io
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The writer’s views are expressed as a personal opinion and are for information purposes only. It is not intended to be investment advice. Seek a duly licensed professional for investment advice.

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